They sat at the small table, where, at Kenu’surging, Logan unburdened himself. The older man’s frown as he spoke didn’t encourage him.
“Tell me about these sea creatures,” he said.
Logan smiled at how wise this grandparent could be about so many things, yet be na?ve when it came to the outside world. “Not sea creatures. They’re military men.” He explained the name.
Kenu sipped his lemonade. “I see. They are warriors.”
Logan was caught up short. He hadn’t thought of it that way. “Yes, I guess you could call them that.”
“Warriors have honor.”
Logan nodded. At least in American Indian minds, warriors were honorable. You might be successful in battle, but if you didn’t have honor you were not Warrior. It was that simple.
Logan sighed. Life was not that simple. “Can skinwalkers be warriors?”
Kenu sat up straight as alarm spread across his face, and he suddenly looked older. “He is a witch?”