Stephen watched him. Busy hands. Swift and competent. And kind, again: when chatting with the server, who carried stress and tiredness in her shoulders, in her weary gesture. Brian listened, said something to make her smile, put an arm around her for a brief hug. She found a smile for him too, and straightened his lopsided holiday pin.
Compassion, Stephen thought. Listening. Helping someone else, even when flustered and embarrassed.
That mattered. Brian coming over to try to take care of him mattered. That was…
Something he wanted more of. Someonehe wanted more of.
Someone he wanted.
Astonished, he touched his pint glass. Felt cool glass and water-residue on fingertips. Reality. Anchors and delight: a sudden amazed shock of desire, a curl and leap of ocean wave that reverberated down to his bones.