He paused there, a bit unsure of what direction or how far Brian wanted to take this; Brian seemed to be waiting for him to take the lead, though, wide-eyed and quivering as Stephen fondled him. They stayed still for a second or two, poised; Stephen finally asked, “Do you, ah…how do you want to…I used to do whatever Eric was in the mood for, I’m flexible as far as what and how, but…well, you aren’t him. Obviously. You’re you.” Brian was watching him say this. “And I want you. I want you to feel good.” He’d not known he’d been going to say that last bit until he’d said it. “What, er, what do youlike?”
“Right now?” That sun-and-surfboards accent sounded somewhat dazed by desire; Stephen had kept playing with him. “Actually I kind of wanted to, um, get my mouth on you? To taste you? I wanted to back at the bar. When you started talking about bad poetry.”
“Bad poetry?” Oh. Roman gift-giving. The Catullus. Right.