Chapter 13

Alan tried to focus on that and nothing else. “Oh good.”

But when he looked down, his gaze was drawn to the thin strip of flesh he could see above Garrison’s sock. Dark hair swirled across pale skin, disappearing up Garrison’s pant leg, hinting at so much more. An image came unbidden to Alan’s mind—those slacks gone, exposing bare skin covered in soft, downy hair that led to a thatch of kinked curls between Garrison’s legs. He could easily imagine dipping his hand into those curls, stroking, rubbing, first with his fingers and then with his tongue, as Garrison’s pleasure stiffened beneath him.

Bloody hell, where did thatcome from?

“Looks great.” Alan’s voice sounded weak and distant to his own ears. He felt faint, the world around him dreamlike, unreal. How’d they get here again?