Chapter 17

With a shrug, Alan admits, “Well, whatever, really. A movie, a concert. I have tickets to the opera on Friday. I’m a season ticket holder and get two seats for each show, but Brooks doesn’t really care for it.”

“I’ve never been.”

Alan frowns. “To the opera? Never?”

Jim shakes his head. “What’s it like? Fat lady on stage singing a song you can’t understand? What’s it in, Italian or something?”

With a grin, Alan says, “I think you’ve seen one too many Bugs Bunny cartoons.”

“So what’s different?” Jim breaks off more of his muffin and molds the crumbs into balls before eating them.

“Well, no rabbit, for starters.”

That makes Jim laugh. “Okay, so no rabbit. What else?”

Alan sits back, drink and scone forgotten as he tries to find a way to explain how wonderful the opera is to someone who’s never been. “No fat ladies. At least, not all of them, anyway. And yes, it’s usually in Italian, but there are supertitles—”

“What are those?”