Chapter 13

Of course, he’s not inside the room. He’s currently between the porn star’s legs on the second floor, busy in act seventeen of his seduction.

I enter the room.

Shame on me. What am I thinking? Do I no longer have any manners?

The room is a mirror image of my own except that everything is various shades of dark and light pinks: bedspread, numerous pillows, square rug on the floor, draperies. The room screams of pink, horrifying me, blinding me. Appalled, feeling my stomach turn, I exit. Again, I walk clumsily through the castle, spiraling downward to the second floor and its narrow hallway. I try each bedroom door, most of which are locked. Two are unlocked, and I enter, clicking on lights. Nothing inside. No luggage. No occupants. No ghosts. I leave. Still dizzy and drunk, unsure of my actions, I come to another door. This one is also unlocked. I quietly and slowly turn its knob, push the door forward, and enter.