As he wraps me in his arms, tangling me against him, the situation is conceived as awkward but comfortably right. I feel as if I am in high school again and being seduced by Rudyard Graffington, one of the better senior swimmers at Frankling High. How badly Rud wanted me then. And how badly Bar wants me now. The sexual cycle of life always continues.
I feel one of his fingers brush against a nipple. I feel the hairs on his legs rub against my legs. I feel light perspiration between his pecs and his toothpaste-smelling breath on my face.
He goes hard, thumping and pulsing against my leg. His chest inflates and deflates. Again and again, he brushes my nipple. And he rolls his underwear-covered and stiff cock against one of my legs, attempting to dry hump me.
I break more of the delicate ice and strange moment between us and instruct, “You should kiss me now, Bar. I know it’s something you want to do. I can feel it against my leg.”