He was looking forward to a real shower when they made their supply run. Most stations allowed for seven or eight uninterrupted minutes of water flow, positively luxurious compared to Cal’s norm.
Following his usual efficient if not enjoyable shower, he shaved, pulled on underwear and pants, and then went to the bedroom area for his shirt, the same as he did every day. It was all very routine, until he turned around, shirt in hand, and saw the frankly appreciative glance Jude wasn’t quite fast enough to hide.
The look was a game changer, even if Jude promptly buried himself in his latest book. Cal wasn’t about to waste this golden opportunity.
Leaving the shirt off, he said, “Hey, if you want to ogle me, go right ahead.”
Jude’s ears got pink in a way Cal had never seen, and for a long minute the other man didn’t reply. At last he said, “So this isn’t going to be some workplace sexual harassment fiasco?”
“It’s not harassment if it’s welcome.”