Chapter 5

“Those are LP records Katie,” I say. And at the risk of sounding more like a Mrs. Johnson I add, “We used to listen to them when I was your age.”

A wide-eyed ‘wow’ is all Katie manages to contribute.

“There’s probably some good stuff in here,” I say to the woman at the counter. “We’ll be happy to take them, but if they’re in good shape you might get some serious money for these at one of the used record shops.”

I continue flipping through the stack. Judging from the album jackets they look as if someone took good care of them. Bachman Turner Overdrive I & II, The Beatles Abbey Road and Let It Be—all good stuff. Boston’s debut album…

I pause to swallow as my past comes crashing back.

As I look at the familiar spaceship logo on Boston’s album jacket, my mind turns back to the Apple River bash of my senior year in high school. I pull it out and flip it over to scan the track listing. I must have zoned out for a minute because the woman on the other side of the counter speaks up.