Chapter 6

“My PR people.”

“No. Did you say you’re bisexual?”

“Um, yeah. I’ve always been.”

“What? You weren’t in high school or…” Lincoln paused, suddenly unsure of everything. “Were you?”

Sam stared at him for so long without saying a word, Lincoln figured he had somehow offended his friend. But then Sam smiled crookedly.

“I can’t believe you didn’t know. Charlie was my first.”

“Your first what?”

Sam laughed at his stupidity, and Lincoln couldn’t blame him. “My first, brainless. He was my boyfriend.” The smile slipped from his face and he got up from the table and stood by the window.

The man drinking himself into a stupor the night before suddenly made a lot more sense to Lincoln. “Jesus. Why didn’t I know that?”

“Maybe we weren’t as open about it as I thought. We weren’t ‘in your face’ with anyone. Holding hands at school or whatever. But, yeah.” He leaned against the windowsill. “I was crazy in love with him.”

“God, Sam. I’m so sorry.”