Chapter 14

The last time he’d seen Sam before this trip had been in early December when they’d gotten together at Lawry’s in Beverly Hills for their annual holiday dinner, which they’d done since leaving high school. Sam had brought a date. Amber, her name had been, a model. Blonde and impossibly beautiful. Lincoln had brought the guy he had been seeing at the time, too. He hadn’t planned on it until Sam had asked if he could include Amber. Lincoln hadn’t wanted to be the third wheel at his own annual dinner, so he’d invited Chad.

Sam’s lips curved as he watched the thoughts flying through Lincoln’s head. As though he could read minds, he asked, “Whatever happened to that guy, Chad, you were seeing just a month or so ago?”

“Oh, him.”

Sam laughed. Kissed him. “Yeah.”

“Not sure where he is these days. We broke it off before Christmas. What about Amber?”

Sam shrugged. “Broke up when she started posting all over social media that she was about to become Mrs. Stryker.”