Chapter 3

Turning back to the room, I found myself still at a loss. What did I usually do with my days? The answer brought another pang because they revolved around Reece. I always remained within reach, always keyed off him, happy in his orbit. He decided what was next, whether we’d stay in or go out, attend a party or throw one of our own, shop or swim, but all of it, every minute, secure in the knowledge that at some point we’d have sex.

Reece was big on daytime sex. Age had robbed him of just one thing: late nights. If we weren’t partying, he was in bed by ten and it was to sleep. The last few years, he’d said more than once that daytime sex helped him sleep well, whereas evening sex led to a restless night. I never argued on that or anything else. I was complacent, happily so.