“It truly is. You and Tracy don’t need a third wheel.”
“You’re not a third wheel.”
“If you say so, but it feels like that and I’m tired of it—exhausted, actually. I want a fresh start somewhere else.”
The hand drew back as if I’d insulted him in refusing to endure any longer. “I’m sorry.”
“Thank you.”
“When will you go?”
“Soon as I’ve packed. I’ve rented a trailer for my stuff since the car holds little.”
“You have it all arranged.”
I enjoyed his surprise at my planning it without his knowledge. “That I do.”
The good part was, he didn’t question anything I took from the house. In fact, he became quite generous, piling on towels and bedding, insisting I take enough kitchen things to get started. He said I should take the coffee machine and the painting over my bed.
“Take furniture, if you wish,” he added, but this I refused. “You know I have plenty.”
I noted the “we” of us had been replaced by the“I” of him.