Chapter 18

Closing the book, I faced the dilemma of where to stash it. I finally settled on an upper garage shelf behind paint cans, where it could remain undiscovered until the day came when Glenn’s anger at his parents had gone.

* * * *

When he returned later, the laundry was done and folded. I’d left it on the bed, then busied myself emptying half the closet and dresser. I wanted him to put away as he liked. I was out back watering shrubs when he found me.

“It’s so overgrown,” I said. “Work ahead.”

He nodded, fetched pruning shears, and set to work. When I finished watering, I started weeding. We filled an entire barrel with clippings, one section of the garden now presentable.

Reece came to mind as I weeded, but not as the intruder this time. I was now able to summon him simply to note his contrast with Glenn and enjoy the absence of any pangs of rejection. Reece hadn’t a clue about the joy of sharing simple labor. With all he had, he’d missed so much. As had I