Chapter 24

“I can’t decide just like that, Reece. I’ve made a life here with someone I care deeply about.”

“Then why isn’t he here?”

“We had an argument.”

“And he stormed out? Must have been some argument.”

I could only shake my head. “Don’t put me on the spot. It would be best if you went back home. I promise I’ll consider your offer, but I have to sort things out here. I owe him that.”

“And what about me? Doesn’t yesterday count for anything?”

“It does. Yes, of course it does. Before that, shutting you out was easy, but it’s changed now.”

“Then come with me.”

“It’s not changed that much. Please understand. It was your timing. You sort of ambushed me at a vulnerable point. Good as yesterday was, it’s not that real, not in a long-term way. I’m sorry.”