Chapter 6

Cooper stood at the stove and gave me a wide smile when he noticed me. Then his eyes heated, and I dropped my gaze and beelined for the coffeepot.

“I always did love you all rumpled from sleep.” His voice was deep and growly, the way it used to get before he fucked me senseless.

The thought made me jerk, and I splashed hot coffee over my hand. I yelped and quickly set down the pot, lifting my burned hand to my mouth.

Cooper was at my side in a flash. “Here. Let me see.”

I backed up until I hit the counter, pulling my hand out of his reach. “I’m fine.”

He studied me a moment, peering into my eyes, then nodded once and stepped back. “Okay.”

“Thank you.” For the first time, I was glad he understood me, because I didn’t know how to put into words how much it hurt when he got like that. I picked up my mug and crossed to the table, sitting in the chair furthest from him. “You’re cooking?”

“I figured you’d appreciate a break.”