Hordes of people stood waiting, blocking my way. Some appeared to be waiting for family members, but others had strictly business on their mind. A man quickly stepped up to me and asked, again in English, “Do you need a ride into the city? Do you need any dollars exchanged to dinars?”
Wow, what an easy mark I was. These people not only knew immediately I was a westerner, they knew I was an American! To think I had fooled people in London into thinking I was Canadian. Not here!
A hand reached out and pulled me out of the crowd. “What did that man want?” asked Amir.
I don’t need to tell you how relieved I was to see him. “He wanted to know if I wanted to exchange any money,” I said sheepishly, still feeling fairly vulnerable and foolish.
“Come. I have my uncle’s car.”
“Can I use a bathroom first?” I needed a little relief from all the stress and tension of the last forty minutes, and I wasn’t sure I could wait until we got to our apartment.