Chapter 1

Ian arrived for work way too early on the morning of his first business seminar. His excitement barely suppressed the nervous stress that bubbled in his gut. What would the seminar be like? At only twenty-three, did he have what it took to shine amongst more experienced delegates? He settled in his cubicle although he had no work. He placed his suitcase nearby. To kill time, he opened emails and lost himself in following the trail of a particular conversation.

The knock on his desk startled Ian. He glanced up to find Roger, his manager, accompanied by a tall and athletic black man.

Flustered, Ian closed his emails and stood. He felt a tide of warmth sweep across his face and prayed it didn’t show.

“Time to go, Ian.” Roger smiled. “This is Jordan David Williams. He runs our East Bay office. You’ll ride with him to the seminar.”

Ian swallowed hard to quell his nervousness. He offered his hand. “Nice to meet you, Mr. Williams, sir. Thank you for letting me go with you.” He gave what he hoped was a business-like smile

Jordan responded with a bright and sexy grin that could lure anyone into his lair. His white straight teeth contrasted with medium dark skin. The smile spread into his eyes. “Nice to meet you, Ian. Roger’s told me good things about you. Please call me Jordan.” His firm handshake radiated energy.

Ian guessed Jordan’s age at thirty-something, but at twenty-three, everyone in the company had to be older. Jordan’s sexy build commanded attention along with his deep bass voice. His looks and tone sent a sizzle through Ian. Ian noticed that several of the female employees stole glances at Jordan as they passed through the building on the way to the parking lot.

* * * *

They hit Highway 101 south out of the San Francisco Bay Area before Jordan broke the silence. “I’m real glad you’re along, Ian. I dislike driving alone. So, tell me a bit about yourself.” Jordan’s voice flowed so gentle, one had to listen.

“Well, I was assigned to attend this seminar in Monterey. I’m excited and scared. It’s my first time.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll be gentle.” Jordan tipped his head back in laughter.

Ian flowed with the humor and chuckled. “I’ve lived in San Jose my whole life. I’m twenty-three, a pretty mellow guy, but I work hard and am glad to be with our company.”

“I hope that’s not to impress me.” Jordan winked.

Ian’s mind whirled. Hell, yes, it was. Who wouldn’t want to impress such a hottie?“Uh, well, not really. I am glad I work here, but, yes, maybe I was trying to impress you. My brother-in-law networked me into the job. He says it’s a great company.” Ian pretended to scan the landscape while stealing glances at Jordan. “I have my B.A. from San Jose State University and would like to get into upper management. I enjoy customer service and think it’s important to all companies.”

“You’re right, it isa good company. They stole me from my former employer to run the East Bay office,” Jordan confided. “I haven’t been in business that long. Don’t worry about impressing me. Just learn as much as you can at the seminar. Roger speaks well of you. I know he selected you for this seminar because he sees your potential. Quite frankly, one has to be with this company longer than you have been to go to seminars like this, but again, Roger sees your potential.” He smiled with an appeal that almost melted Ian. “If you want to be in upper management, I suggest you get your Master’s. And realize that your mouth, your cock, booze, and drugs will be the things to get you in trouble.” He grinned. “Sorry, I’m prone to unsolicited advice. Guess it’s fair to tell you about myself. I was born in New Jersey, moved to the San Fran Bay Area as a kid, and got my degree from Stanford University where I was a football player. I hated the stress.”

Ian cranked his head toward Jordan and then turned away. He figured Jordan to be about six-feet, three inches tall and about two hundred twenty-five pounds, but he had to have a low-fat ratio. Clearly, he was fit. His wonderfully proportioned body and medium chocolate skin, along with a clean shaved, smooth face, could make him a model.

“On a more personal level,” Jordan continued. “I’m divorced, no kids, and fortunately, no alimony. I’m out as gay and love to stay fit.”

Ian fought with himself to come out, but fear won. The silence lengthened.

“Did I shock you with the gay comment?” Jordan asked.