Chapter 9

“It’s not my birthday or anything.”

“Who says you only get gifts on your birthday? That’s old thinking.”

“That’s what my parents taught me.”

Their meals came, and they began to eat.

Jordan said, “I’d like to meet your parents sometime.”

Ian shook his head violently. “No, no, no. They don’t like black people.”

Jordan chuckled. “Oh, really. Then we won’t tell them I’m black. I can act white.” He laughed, making others look at him. He waved to them and smiled.

Ian opened the box. “Wow, it’s a book.” His eyes went wide, and he quickly covered it as the server approached.

“Is there anything else I can bring for you gentlemen?”

Jordan lifted the book and said, “I hope you like it. It’s the Joy of Gay Sex.”

Ian tried to cover it.

Jordan told the server, “No, thank you. We’re fine for now. Say, you don’t mind that we’re gay, do you? Or that I’ve just given my boyfriend a book about gay sex?”