Remmy was better looking, with his black hair and chiseled features. But his handsome face had an ugly slant to it, his eyes were beady and a smirk was ever present. His hobbies, according to Facebook, included boxing, rock climbing and video games. The photos I saw on his page, in various states of undress, showed him to be trim. He kept himself in shape and was proud of that fact. He could have possibly scaled Mrs. Rutlidge’s building, but something about that didn’t ring true for me.
All I had for Tyler was a driver’s license photo, which really didn’t do him justice. For some reason, his eyes spoke to me, and as bad as the picture was, his wavy white-blond hair made me want to run my fingers through the strands. It looked soft and just made for my hand to stroke. His clear, pale blue eyes looked wounded. My gut wanted to believe he couldn’t possibly be involved in this thing, but I had to keep an open mind to all possibilities until I could narrow them down.