Chapter 72

After packing a few things for the weekend, I had a quick snack and cleaned the place a bit while waiting for Tyler to arrive. I was worried about Ben, and Tyler, and catching this guy and his lackeys once and for all.

I called Uncle Ben to let him know I was coming tonight and bringing a friend. I’d never brought a guy to the mountains before this.

“You finally found some balls, did ya?” he asked, gruff as always.

I ignored that comment. “I want him to meet you, see where I grew up.” I cleared my throat before continuing. “He’s a shifter like me, Uncle Ben. What are the odds, huh?”

“Well, don’t question it to death, boy. Just go with it. I expect you two here in time for dinner.”

“Yes, sir,” I replied, and then he hung up. Typical. I smiled as I finished my chores, did some laundry, and checked my emails.

Right around five, Tyler knocked on the door. “Come in,” I called, since I’d left it unlocked.