Chapter 7

“Tuqui, tuqui…” Manny sang the whole thing. It was a short, peppy tune, kind of like “Jingle Bells,” with lots of repetition, all about a donkey going to Bethlehem. “Felt like a big deal at the time, I suppose. I peed my pants. My classmates called me ‘El bebe! El bebe!’ for years. ‘Baby! Baby!’”

AC got that, too.

“We weren’t terribly clever bullies. Can you imagine?”

* * * *

AC flashed back to his kindergarten days, to what was supposed to have been his first time in the spotlight.

“Everyone will have a part in the Christmas pageant,” Miss Blake, his teacher said.

Atticus was very excited for Christmas. His mom had decked the halls at home the day after Thanksgiving. He wasn’t much into school, but finally, because of the Yuletide season, they were doing something fun. First, they’d cut out paper snowflakes, and now, they were planning a show.