Chapter 12

It did give AC more than enough time to text his brother, though. Gabriel handled all of AC Maughan Art’s business dealings and was also an eBay fanatic.

Gabriel: You’re coming home for Christmas!!!!!! After all these years????

Atticus: Ease up on the punctuation, bro.

Gabriel: LOL :) Excited is all.

Gabriel went on to say he’d be happy to help AC with his plans, which left AC smiling as Rohan finally climbed in.

The busted tooth made an appearance right away, when Rohan smiled back, in place of a verbal salutation. He was quiet. Like with Emery, except without the phone, there was very little eye contact. AC got a look at them though, when he and Rohan both glanced up into the rearview mirror at the same time, and then both smiled sheepishly.