Chapter 28

“A sister,” Terrel told him. “We do everything together. We did, at least, until she got herself engaged to the boringest man on the planet.” He fanned himself.

“Oh?” AC wondered if he’d made it too warm.

“Get this. Tyesha says I can be her maid of honor, right? Then, Mr. Dull and Suity says, uh-uh, no way. I just got off the phone with her. See, I had the most beautiful cape all picked out to go with my tux. It’s not like I was gonna put on a dress or something. And even if I was, fuck him! My sister and I are tight.”

“S-so, h-how did it wor-work out?”

“Tyesha has my back. She promises I’ll get to be up there, long as I don’t ride in on a unicorn in a rainbow fur coat. That’s what the fiancé said he’s afraid of. I’ma do it just out of spite. Wish I had me a unicorn.”

“Is h-he homophobic or j-j-just c-c-conservative?”