Chapter 30

“I would imagine spending a couple of hours with a person can change someone’s impression, if they give a guy a chance.” Murphy looked over. “I am a mama bear when it comes to my guys.”

“Fuck.” AC stared straight ahead.

“What’s that?”

“N-nothing.” AC had regretted putting the fucking pen to paper almost since the minute he’d done it. He knew he was an asshole. Now, it was time to sit there and take his licks, since Murphy had evidently found the notebook the night before, when he’d slept up in the cab.

“We’re marginalized all the time by others, like that JJ guy back in Texas. Why in fuck do we do it to ourselves?”

“I d-don’t kn-know.”

“Apparently, I’m a butterface. Butt-a-face. You know, as in ‘He has an okay body, but a face that’s ugly.”

“That’s ri-ri-ri-ridiculous.”

Murphy shrugged. “Maybe not. I ain’t no looker, like you.”


“I haven’t been here the longest, but the guys let me coddle them. I like that. I hope I’m not smothering anyone.”