Chapter 32

He headed toward a thicket of pine trees with tips all dusted in white. A large rock off to one side beckoned.

Tap-a-ta-tap, tap, tap. Tap-a-ta-tap, tap, tap.

It came right back. Tap-a-ta-tap, tap, tap. Tap-a-ta-tap, tap, tap. Rohan was close.

The farther AC got from the building, the less he could see. Tap-a-ta-tap, tap, tap. Tap-a-ta-tap, tap, tap.

Tap-a-ta-tap, tap, tap. Tap-a-ta-tap, tap, tap.

“Almost g-got ya.” Rubbing his bare hands on his pant leg to warm them, stealthily, keeping an ear out for all sound, be it drumming or any other kind of movement, AC slowly turned, one way, and then another. Tap-a-ta-tap, tap, tap. Pause. Tap-a-ta-tap, tap, tap. He wasn’t wary at all. AC had always liked the woods. He’d always liked night.

Tap-a-ta-tap, tap, tap. Pause. Tap-a-ta-tap, tap, tap.

He also really liked Rohan and smiled every time the percussion beats were returned.