He scowled at the bacon and eggs. Of course the Earls of Fairleigh had food displayed in silver dishes. Even in the face of snowbound roads, Edward and Harry wouldn’t starve. Harry—
Harry. Who had been leaving his brother’s rooms in the dark. Moving soundlessly. Long after any reasonable person should’ve been in bed.
Never mind that Kit himself had been up. He knew he personally was a suspicious bastard, but he wasn’t out to murder an Earl.
No, his crime had been imagining everything he couldn’t have. And never would, now.
The betrayal raked across his soul like claws. It shouldn’t; there was nothing to betray. Nothing between him and Harry.
Only a shared moment, an intimation of heat, the closeness of bodies in a library. The grip of a hand on an ungloved wrist.
He crossed arms. Prepared for a confrontation. Feet planted.