“There is no scenario. It’s just a weird coincidence, that’s all. Seeing him here.”
“In your store.”
“It’s not mystore.”
Jude waved that away. “Just because he was buying baby things doesn’t mean it was for hisbaby. People buy gifts this time of year, don’t they? ‘Tis the season and all that.”
“Yeah, maybe.” But Edward had a feeling the gift was for Jim’s own kid. He had no idea why he thought that, just some kind of intuition. “Honestly, he might not even remember me.”
“You fucked, right?”
“Right or wrong, yes,” Edward cracked.
Jude rolled his eyes at the effort. “He remembers. If this bloke is bisexual and is with a woman now, I bet he remembers every guy he’s ever been with.”
“‘Bloke.’ You get more English when you drink, did you know that?”
Jude merely smiled. “So, the big day is tomorrow?”
“Yeah, and I’m kind of nervous. Heloise says I’ll be fine.”