“Hello, Edward.” Jim was surprised his voice hadn’t cracked. He approached and smiled at the guy behind the counter. “Jim Reynolds.”
The blond stuck out his hand. “Nolan Young-Winthrop.”
Jim shook his hand. “I’m new in Sutter’s Bay.”
“I guessed,” Nolan said. “Welcome. You moved here?”
Edward glanced at Nolan with narrowed eyes, but said nothing.
“I’ve been here only a handful of days. I’m renting Jason Sweet’s mother’s old place.”
Edward frowned. “Do you know the chief?”
Jim smiled. “We were friends in Los Angeles. He’s the one who suggested this place when a job became available at one of the law firms. I start in January, after the holidays.”
“That’s great. What can I get you two?” Nolan asked.
“I’ll just have a large cup of the hazelnut cream,” Edward said. “Lots of room for half and half.”
Nolan rolled his eyes. “I know. And you, Mr. Reynolds?”
“Just Jim, please. Plain old regular for me. And I drink mine black.”