Chapter 7

He glanced around surreptitiously, feeling an overwhelming sensation of relief washing over him when he realized nobody appeared to pay any attention to him croaking along to the Christmas classic and butchering it beyond recognition. At least that was what he thought. He was inhaling the incredible scent of cinnamon bread and other freshly baked pastries, which had certainly come from the direction of the bakery inside the grocery store, when he heard a rather familiar voice chuckling in the line right next to him. The heat of mortification that crept up his neck and cheeks mere moments later when he turned toward the source and gazed into those unforgettable blue eyes made him wish he could bury himself inside a hole in the ground somehow. He gave Clement a weak smile and waved at the man.

“Hey, Mr. Clement.”

“Hey, Kyle. Just call me Clement, please.”

Kyle nodded. “Fancy seeing you here.”