Chapter 19


Kyle shook his head. “Please tell me I’m only dating the crown prince of Oswington, and that you’re not also the owner of Beaumont Department Store.”

Clement gave Kyle a sheepish smile. “I can’t.”

“What the fuck? Clement, how many secrets have you been keeping from me?”

Clement was frantic now. “No more. That’s the last one. I promise.”

Kyle narrowed his eyes at Clement. “Are you willing to swear on your dick and balls?”

Clement instinctively cupped his palm over his crotch. “What?”

“If you keep any other huge ass secrets from me, your dick and balls will magically rot forever. They will be infected in the most gruesome manner, and they will start to decompose in the most painful way ever. Then you’ll be in severe, excruciating agony for the rest of your natural life. Swear it!”

“I, uh—”

“Swear on them!”

“Okay! Fine! I swear. No more secrets.”