Chapter 24

“I’ll take your advice into consideration. Maybe we can invite the press to a conference at the palace right before Christmas.”

Gordon snapped his head up and gazed at Clement, obviously taken aback by the suggestion. “Your Highness, have you changed your mind about spending Christmas away from Oswington?”

Clement nodded. “I ran from Oswington to escape the never-ending onslaught of news about Edwin and his relentless, desperate attempt to milk his fifteen minutes of fame. Kyle and I may have only been together for a really brief period of time, but we like each other very much. I have a good feeling about us and our relationship. I’m ready to go public with it.”

Gordon appeared to smile, but Clement highly doubted it. Gordon was so stern all the time, the man’s face would definitely crack into several million pieces if he even thought about being happy for one second.

Gordon bowed. “I’ll arrange for our flight back to Oswington for tomorrow afternoon, Your Royal Highness.”