The king and queen consort had already left the table, but he had no idea when. Ralph shook his hand while Mirabella hugged him, probably breaking a million palace protocols by doing so, but he liked Clement’s youngest sister. She was the least stuffy of the entire family. Although Ralph and Joseph were commoners prior to them marrying the princesses, they were much more formal than Mirabella. Kyle had a strong feeling he would end up liking Mirabella the most.
“Lunch wasn’t as…painful as I thought it would be,” Kyle said rather hesitantly to Clement as they walked side by side back to the bedroom.
Kyle’s father nodded. “Your parents are wonderful people, Clement.”
“So are your sisters, Ralph, Joseph, and Evangeline.”
Clement grinned at Kyle’s parents. “Thank you. Anyway, do you all need a short nap before we spend the afternoon outside?”
Kyle’s mother chuckled. “Nope. I’m ready for a fun afternoon.”
“So am I,” Kyle’s father added.