“Clement and I are boyfriends.”
Kyle nodded. “We’re in love with each other.”
“Oh, but I like girls better.”
Kyle chuckled. “That’s fine, too.”
Just then, a group of adults made their way toward Kyle and Tony. They all bowed at Clement. Then they did the same to Kyle, which was still astonishing to him. After that, one of the women tugged Tony away from Kyle.
“Your Highness and, uh…Mr. Lee, I’m so sorry about Anthony. He shouldn’t be bothering you.”
Kyle smiled. “It’s all right. He didn’t. We had a wonderful conversation earlier.”
“Oh, all right then.”
Kyle noticed Anthony’s mom wringing her hands together while almost reaching for her smartphone a couple of times. He reached out a hand toward Clement before turning toward Anthony’s mom once again.
“Would you like a picture with Clement?”
Anthony’s mom nodded with unconcealed enthusiasm. “If…if His Highness is all right with it.”
“Yes, I am,” Clement responded as he moved closer to Anthony’s mom.