“Yeah, upstairs.” I stood, brushing the dirt from my hands on the seat of my shorts. “My apartment is right next to yours. What grade you gonna be in? I’m going to be in eighth grade at Woodcreek. It’s waaaay across town, like really far. A lot farther than Oakwood Junior High. That’s the school down the road.” I waved vaguely in the direction of the school.
“The good thing about Woodcreek,” I continued, “is that I won’t have to switch schools next year. Woodcreek is junior high andhigh school. If I was going to Oakwood, I’d have to switch to Lemoore High for ninth grade. The schools are right next door to each other, but still.”
“I haven’t registered for school yet, but I will be in the eighth grade, too. That’s why I need a phone book, so my mom can call the school board to get all that shit set up.”
“Man, wouldn’t it be rad if we were in the same class?”
“Sure.” His reply was noncommittal as he matched me step for step up the stairs.