I kept my growing attraction secret. My bullies had enough ammunition on me. And who knew how Wes would react to knowing I liked him more than a friend. That kiss, however, gave me hope, and that hope was snatched away just as quickly.
He was waiting for me on the stoop of the front door to the building, two sodas in hand. His hair was sticking up in sweaty clumps. When I approached him, he handed me a can and patted the step beside him. I sat down warily and sipped the soda. The cool, fizzy liquid felt good after the long walk back home.
“Are you mad at me?” I glanced over as he spoke. His mouth was turned down in a frown and he was working the soda can tab back and forth until it snapped off with a pop
“I’m not mad at you. I’m…” I paused to gather my thoughts and to figure out how the hell I was going to address my complicated feelings with him, “…sad.”