“What’s got you in such a chipper mood?” Frank, one of the busboys, set a bin of dirty dishes next to the sink. “Never seen anyone enjoy washing other people’s dirty dishes that much.”
I flicked a handful of soap bubbles playfully at him. “Do I have to have a reason for being in a good mood? No use in being crabby.”
“Mmhmm. Could your mood have anything to do with that hickey on your neck? She must be a firecracker.” He raised an eyebrow and pointed a finger at the offending spot.
“Oh shit. I told h—” I cut myself off right before revealing the shewas actually a he. I slapped my hand over the spot, feeling my face burn from embarrassment.
Frank’s laughter followed him out of the kitchen. I would have to have a talk with Drew about being more careful with the love bites. We got carried away this afternoon. The effortless way we became absorbed in each other was going to trip us up one day. 7
Drew, October 1988