The other, and more important reason, was that I loved him. He was a goodperson; genuinely nice and sincere. He never had a bad word to say about anyone. He was attentive and caring—everything I could have asked for in a partner.
When my mom called to tell me she was sick, Quentin insisted on making the trip with me back home. He didn’t understand that I couldn’t show up with a boyfriend with my mother on her deathbed. That would surely kill her, if not before the cancer.
“When does your flight leave?”
I was flying out to see my mom and help make her final arrangements. “Eight o’clock tonight.” I glanced at my watch. “Should be enough time to get the essentials unpacked and get showered before I have to be at the airport.”
“I can stay and unpack for you.”
“No, no. It’ll be fine. You’ve done too much already.”