Chapter 20

“You’re reading something into it that isn’t there.” Ash narrowed his eyes at Ross. “I told you where I was coming from. I didn’t judge you and I didn’t say I didn’t want it. I said I didn’t like the effect that kind of behavior had on me. And now you think—what, I should just push all that to the side because you’re bored and horny?”

“Now who’s reading into things?” Ross pointed at Ash. He didn’t know quite what he wanted from this argument, but he knew he couldn’t give in. “I don’t even want to have sex anymore. I’m pissed, because you’re sitting there and acting like it’s something you didn’t want.”

“Except for the part where I told you outright it was good and I did want it. It’s just a bad idea, for me.” Ash leaned against the wall. “What is it you’re trying to accomplish here, Ross? We can’t go anywhere. We’re stuck here until they come and dig us out. We can sit here and scream at each other for hours, but it’s not going to change anything.”