“I know this is way in the future stuff, but I just didn’t want it to always be at the back of my mind from day one. I’m sorry for your loss,” Zack squeezes Richard’s hand in his. Zack is close to his parents, his dad especially. He can’t even imagine losing them.
“It’s good to start off honest, and in the spirit of honesty, I’m kind of cold. Want to borrow comfy clothes so we can try and get some sleep and see how the snow is in the morning?” Richard suggests.
“It is a bit cold for nude afterglow. Yes, please.” Zack nods.
“Stay here,” Richard says softly, slipping out from under the covers, and Zack misses his heat instantly.
Richard opens a dresser and gets out two pairs of pajama pants and two long-sleeved T-shirts, and brings them back over to the bed. He gets under the covers again, handing Zack half the clothes. They fumble under the blankets to get clothes on, and after a few moments, Zack has an extra layer against the cold and is back under Richard’s arm.