“Thank you. I have very good friends. They told me a few others wanted to come, too, but they had work or family. It’s nice to be cared about. Friends are important. Rick is going to come for a chess game next week, and Kelly is coming for coffee. I feel good,” Zack says happily.
“Jess was a little taken with Kelly. Is she?” Richard trails off.
“Gay? I don’t know. Didn’t think so, but she looked at Jess with stars in her eyes, so I guess we’ll see.” Zack shrugs.
“Jess is a good woman. If your friend is uncertain, she’ll never push too hard or anything,” Richard assures him.
“That’s good. Can we go inside now? I’m freezing my butt off,” Zack admits.
“Yeah, let’s go warm up. I can make you breakfast, if you like?” Richard offers, leading Biscuit back into the house.
“I am hungry, but let me help. I liked cooking with you last night,” Zack says, following Richard inside and shutting the door behind him.