He chuckled. “No more than what I just said, that two bodies under two blankets are warmer than one body alone beneath one.”
“I see. I suppose that’s true.” I wasn’t sure how to feel about this suggestion. Raneld’s expression was calmly amused, and I could sense nothing else from him. He was entertained by my discomfort, it seemed, but it was a benevolent sort of thing. He seemed fond enough of me. I, well…I was fond enough of him, as far as that went, yet I was tugged in two different directions, for I could already feel a flicker of hatred growing again in my gut. It whispered to me that his amusement at my expense was unkind. Who was he to laugh at me? Yet in the other direction there was my awareness of how attractive he was. Being held in the strong arms that had so often bested me had a great appeal.
I heaved a sigh, dismayed at how swiftly conflict and confusion had crowded into my mind.