“There was a child, Master Cassian,” Vada said, recognizing she now spoke to whom she had requested. “She was taken from our camp by these women.”
“A child,” Cassian repeated. “Why did they take this child of your clan?”
“They meant to sell her, most likely. She has unique coloring, blonde hair and green eyes. Those types can bring about large sums in the city.”
“They can,” Master agreed. “How did they know to look for this child among your people?”
Vada realized that Master was not accepting her story completely. She glanced at her companion again before speaking. Her words seemed dragged from unyielding lips. “She is the illegitimate child of Master Tiago. Knowledge of the child had spread and these women stole the child and wanted to use her against Master.”
“Is your security so negligent that she could be taken so?”
The woman’s eyes narrowed. “Says the man whose father was assassinated in his own home.”