Chapter 45

When he didn’t answer, Yashiv continued. “We need to go in by stealth, Master. A few of us could sneak into the palace easier than five hundred warriors trying to beat their way in.”

“It would be quicker, too,” Nenet added. “We could go now, and not have to wait for the others to arrive. They’d be too late.”

“Then let’s go,” Cassian said, trusting them when he couldn’t work out the plan himself.

“Please get dressed first,” Nenet told them. “And Master, this might work for you.” She held to a dress to him.

He accepted it.

“We can try the service entrance,” she explained. “The palace always needs more cooks and workers. The two of us should go alone.”

“But—” Yashiv started.

“No, Yashiv,” Nenet pressed. “Two women would be able to get in much easier than a bulky-muscled man.”

Yashiv gritted his teeth, but nodded. “Then I’ll take Wirat, Kaapo, and Gilon and we’ll sneak in another way.”