“You’re jiggling the table.”
So he was, though he hadn’t realized that he was even tapping his feet, let alone transferring the motion. “Sorry. I get antsy when I can’t run.”
“Nothing you can do here will help?”
Sex would, but Tom hadn’t gotten the impression it was an option. “I’ll try not to bother you.”
“Oh, that came out all wrong,” said Alex. “I’m not saying you’re bothering me, and anyway you’re in your own apartment. I mean that I understand how it feels when you have too much energy and no outlet. It’s nervous energy for me, of course. Sometimes I feel like I could crawl out of my own skin if only it meant I’d get to rest afterwards.”
Suddenly, Tom’s run-of-the-mill fidgeting didn’t seem so bad. “That sounds awful.”
“It’s not a common occurrence any longer, thankfully. What’s Plan B, when you can’t run?”