“I had it on good authority,” said Alex. “The instructor told me that I couldn’t take right of way for granted.”
“What the hell?” There was a time for lessons on the importance of defensive driving, and right after a newbie driver was in an accident through no fault of his own wasn’t it.
Alex shrugged. “He had a point, lack of tact notwithstanding. I might have been able to stop in time if I hadn’t been too busy checking the speedometer to make sure I wasn’t going over the speed limit.”
Tom had no words to express how screwed up the situation with the shitty instructor was and how sorry he felt that Alex had carried the guilt for so long. He couldn’t just sit there, so he moved over and gave the guy a hug. Then, when he let go and Alex just looked confused, he tried the words thing. “That sucks. It wasn’t your fault someone drove into you.”
“So I try to believe.”