Chapter 6

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As Jamal got up and hurried next door to find Ishaq, he hoped the captain would hold off a few more hours at least before grilling Nev. It was obvious the man was not in good shape.

Ishaq was chatting with Liri in the kitchen. Liri was the captain’s lifemate. She lived in the garrison and ran the kitchen. A rotating roster of guardsmen got assigned to help her with food prep for the people stationed there.

“Ishaq? Can you come have a look at Nev?” Jamal asked. “He seems to be in a lot of pain.”

“Here, carry the bowl.” Ishaq thrust a bowl of broth into Jamal’s hands and picked up a pair of pitas, which he put on a wooden plate. He followed Jamal back to the infirmary.

Jamal watched with concern as Ishaq knelt down beside Nev.

“How much of your pain is from the cracked bones in your face and ribs, and how much from your belly? Or can you tell?”

“The blood cycle…it’s worse,” Nev murmured.