He wrapped the small bird in a corner of his spare tunic and put it in the sack, then headed in the direction of the stable.
When he got to the stable, Hanifa had already set out a saddle for Stonekicker. She and Nev were tacking another horse, one that Jamal suspected was going to be Nev’s mount for the day. The other three guardsmen who were accompanying them hadn’t shown up yet.
“I’ll be back in a few minutes,” Hanifa said as she left.
Blessings be upon her. Jamal was glad he would have a few minutes of privacy with Nev. He reached out and took Nev’s hand. “I thought you’d be here for a while yet.”
“I had hoped, but it was never certain.”
“At least they’re sending you to Kanamaly and not back to Perathea. Tarik and I get sent to the military complex occasionally on errands.”
“Meaning we might meet again,” Nev said softly.
“Yes, I hope.”
“Hanifa will be back soon. Kiss me. It might be the last moment we have alone.”