Chapter 5

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When I awoke, the pain in my eyes had largely gone. Presumably Matt heard me stir, because I heard his footsteps approach and felt the cot shift slightly.

“What you think about trying the mask?”


“I’ve turned off the lights. The only light is from the passage.”

“Okay.” I reached up and cautiously slid up the strap at the back of my head and removed the mask. Looking around I saw only shadows, but there were shapes—objects. I breathed a sigh of relief.

“I can see!”

“Great.” Matt was a shadowy figure sitting on the side of my cot. He got up. “I’ll open the blinds on the window.” He went away, between the two rows of cots to the far end of the room. Then he adjusted something, and light began to flood the room.

I winced, and turned away. But then, looking, I found I could see well enough.


“Yes. I think so.”