Chapter 18

“What about watching a movie?”

“Okay. Which one?”

The station had a large library of movies. “You pick,” I said. “Got a favorite, or one you haven’t seen?”

He grinned. “I’ve seen them all.”

“Okay. So, pick one.”

He got up and I released his hand. The separation, I thought, was slightly reluctant on his part as well as mine.

He went to the shelf, perused it, and came back with The Fog

“The 1980 original,” he said, putting it into the DVD player. I got an unusually excellent view of his ass as he bent over—the sweats were sagging considerably—and I found myself filled with a wash of lust. Damn fine ass!I thought. Then, What a waste!

He came back and reseated himself, grinning at me, “Adrienne Barbeau,” he said. “Hot!” Then suddenly he looked troubled.

I laughed. “I agree. She ishot. And feisty.”

Matt looked momentarily puzzled.